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Business permits and other requirements in the City of Poway (San Diego County) for business types:

  • Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store  
Building and Construction Permits - City

Required for all new and remodeling construction, including change of occupancy.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

City of Poway
Development Services
Building Services
13325 Civic Center Dr.
Poway, CA, 92064
Phone: 858-668-4645
Fax: 858-565-7046
For Office Locations... application
Commercial Business Certificate/License

Required only for commercial buildings.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

City of Poway
Administrative Services
13325 Civic Center Drive
PO Box 789
Poway, CA, 92064
Phone: 858-668-4401
For Office Locations... application
Fire Prevention Information/Inspection

Businesses may be subject to a yearly inspection of facility - annual fee may be charged.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

City of Poway
Fire Department
13050 Community Road
Poway, CA, 92064
Phone: 858-668-4460
Fax: 858-679-7513
For Office Locations... application
Home Occupation Permit

Required for home-based businesses

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

City of Poway
Administrative Services
13325 Civic Center Drive
PO Box 789
Poway, CA, 92064
Phone: 858-668-4401
For Office Locations... application
Land Use, Zoning, & Sign Permits

Permitted uses, development regulations, zone change, variance, and conditional use permit.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

City of Poway
Department of Agriculture
13325 Civic Center Drive
Poway, CA, 92064
Phone: 858-668-4600
For Office Locations... application
Environmental Health Permits

Includes but is not limited to public swimming pools, underground storage tanks, x-ray equipment, water wells, septic systems, sewage pumper trucks, and solid waste handling & composting.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

County of San Diego
Environmental Health Department
P.O. Box 129261
San Diego, CA, 92112
Phone: 858-505-6700
For Office Locations... application
Fictitious Business Name - Doing Business As Statement

A Fictitious Business Name (FBN) or Doing Business As (DBA) statement is required when the business name does not include the surname of the individual owner(s) and each of the partners; or the business name suggests the existence of additional owners; or the nature of the business in not clearly evident by the name of the business. For example Bill Smith and Sons Plumbing would require a FBN because the name implies additional owners, Bill Smith Plumbing does not require a FBN. Bill Smith Industries would require a FBN because it does not identify the nature of the business.

agency note:
Filing may also be completed at Offices in Chula Vista (619) 498-2200, El Cajon (619) 441-4480, and San Marcos (760) 940-6858. July 15, 1998: The County's Business Certificate Tax (BUSINESS LICENSE) is being repealed and no new applications or renewals are required at this time. Call County for further details.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

County of San Diego
Fictitious Business Name
1600 Pacific Highway, Rm. 260
P.O. Box 121750 (Zip Code: 92112)
San Diego, CA, 92101
Phone: 619-237-0502
For Office Locations... application
Point-of-Sale and Device Registrations

Scales and meters used commercially must be annually registered with San Diego County Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures. Testing and sealing of weighing and measuring devices (such as scales and meters) used for commercial purposes is required by law before being used or placed into service. Retail establishments that use Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems, as defined by California law, must be registered and routinely tested for pricing accuracy.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

County of San Diego
Agriculture, Weights and Measures
9325 Hazard Way
Suite 100
San Diego, CA, 92123
Phone: 858-614-7700
For Office Locations... application
Corporation, Company or Partnership Filings

If you are considering becoming a corporation, (either stock or nonprofit), a limited liability company or a partnership (limited, or limited liability), you must file with the Secretary of State's Office.

agency note:
Also, if you are conducting business as one of the following, you must file a bond with the Secretary of State's Office: immigration consultant, credit services organization, dance studio, discount buying organization, employment agency, employment counseling service, invention developer, job listing service, nurses registry, or auctioneer or auction company.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Secretary of State
1500 11th Street
Sacramento, CA, 95814
Phone: 916-657-5448
For Office Locations... application
Discrimination Law

Harassment or discrimination in employment is prohibited if it is based on a person's race, ancestry, national origin, color, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, religion, physical disability (including AIDS), mental disability, marital status, medical condition (cured cancer), and refusal of family care leave. Discrimination in housing, public services and accommodations is also prohibited.

agency note:
Employers must post the Harassment or Discrimination in Employment notice (DFEH 162) and provide their employees with a copy of the DFEH's information sheet on sexual harassment (DFEH 185) or a statement that contains equivalent information. Employers must also provide notice of an employee's right to request pregnancy disability leave or transfer, as well as notice to request a family and medical care leave (CFRA). Employers with 5 or more employees must maintain all personnel records for a minimum of 2 years.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Department of Fair Employment and Housing
2218 Kausen Drive, Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA, 95758
Phone: 800-884-1684
For Office Locations... application
Occupational Safety and Health Information

Businesses with employees must prepare an Injury and Illness Prevention Plan. The state provides a no-fee consultation service to assist employers with preventing unsafe working conditions and workplace hazards.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Department of Industrial Relations
Cal/OSHA Consultation Services
2000 E. McFadden Ave., Ste. 119
Santa Ana, CA, 92705
Phone: 714-558-4300
Fax: 714-558-4083
For Office Locations... application
Registration Form for Employers

Required to file a registration form within 15 days after paying more than $100.00 in wages to one or more employees. No distinction is made between full-time and part-time or permanent and temporary employees in meeting this requirement.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Employment Development Department
Employment Tax Customer Service Office
P.O. Box 2068
Rancho Cordova, CA, 95741
Phone: 888-745-3886
For Office Locations... application
Sales & Use Permit (Seller's Permit)

All businesses selling or leasing tangible property must obtain a Seller's Permit.

agency note:
For Additional information about RESALE CERTIFICATE go to this website:

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Department of Tax and Fee Administration
Sales/Use Tax Division
PO Box 942879
Sacramento, CA, 94279
Phone: 800-400-7115
For Office Locations... application
State Income Tax Information

Businesses should obtain the appropriate State income tax forms from the Franchise Tax Board.

agency note:
All businesses are required to submit a Business Income Tax statement annually.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Franchise Tax Board
Business Entities Division
PO Box 1468
Sacramento, CA, 95812
Phone: 800-338-0505
For Office Locations... application
Wage/Hour Laws

Businesses with employees must comply with laws establishing minimum standards for wages, hours and working conditions.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Department of Industrial Relations
Labor Commissioner's Office
1515 Clay Street, STE 401, Oakland, CA, 94612
Oakland, CA, 94612
Phone: 510-285-3502
Fax: 510-286-1366
For Office Locations... application
Workers' Compensation Information

Businesses with employees must maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage on either a self-insured basis, or provided through a commercial carrier, or the State Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Workers' Compensation
7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 202
San Diego, CA, 92108
Phone: 619-767-2083
For Office Locations... application
Employer Identification Number (EIN or SSN)

Employers with employees, business partnerships, and corporations, must obtain an Employer Identification Number from the I.R.S. Businesses can obtain appropriate Federal income tax forms from this location.

agency note:
Additional office locations:

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

U.S. Department of Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
880 Front Street, Suite 1295
San Diego, CA, 92101
Phone: 619-615-9555
For Office Locations... application
Proof of Residency Requirement

Employees hired after November 6, 1986 must provide proof of eligibility to work in the United States.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
San Diego Field Office
880 Front Street
San Diego, CA, 92101
Phone: 800-375-5283
For Office Locations... application
Filter Permits & Licenses
Level of Government:
Small Business Administration - SBA

Training, consulting, business development, and loan approval services are available through the San Diego District Office. Programs include SCORE & SBDC, including international trade.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Small Business Administration - SBA
550 West C Street, Suite 550
San Diego, CA, 92101
Phone: 619-557-7250
Fax: 619-557-5894
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

The SBA renders assistance with special programs for women and minorities, financing for starting businesses, including developing business plans and providing information on other SBA programs.

applies to:
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Store

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Washington Office Center
409 3rd Street, S.W. Suite 6400
Washington, DC, 20416
Phone: 202-205-6766
Fax: 202-205-7727